article summary
(too old to reply)
Terri Hodge
2003-11-20 16:32:53 UTC
Oct. 13, 2003. 10:39 AM
Toronto firm brews up Java apps for cellphones
Cell phones are not just cell phones anymore. They are high powered
devices with fancy screens and many different features. The cell phones of
yesterday are long gone. Today's phones allow users to download games,
instant message, take pictures...whatever happened to just talking? Now
phones are more and more like computers.
As great as all this technology seems, it leads back to the old question;
are we too dependent on our cell phones, and are they becoming more of an
issue? Already people across Canada seem to be spending more and more time
on their phones...and nowhere near the same nuimber of people in Canada
have Jsva equipped phones compared to the US and Japan. What will happen
when this technology really takes flight here? The problems are already
apparent with the regular old phones. When all of these plans come to
completion, cell phones could really take over our lives. Hopefully we
will all be smart enough to avoid that happening. The safety issue of cell
phones while driving is also a concern for many people. If talking while
driving is a problem, couldn't surfing the web while driving be even
worse? These are questions people will have to ask themselves when
considering purchasing these computer like phones.
Charles McColm
2003-11-26 17:03:47 UTC
Post by Terri Hodge
As great as all this technology seems, it leads back to the old question;
are we too dependent on our cell phones,
Some people are more dependent on cell phones than others, this is
evident in the fact that cellular carriers have a variety of different
plans (i.e. pay-as-you-go vs various monthly plans).

Personally, I use my cell phone more as an extra device to help me keep
track of friend's email addresses and phone numbers because I'm
notoriously bad for losing numbers I've written on a piece of paper. My
phone has an Infrared feature which lets me synchronize it with my Palm
Pilot (no wires) which I then synchronize with my PC. This means I have
3 copies of my address book (Phone, PDA, & PC). If I happen to forget my
PDA one day I can still look up a number on my phone.

Though it's quite helpful, my cell phone is just another gizmo. I could
do without it if I had to.
Post by Terri Hodge
and are they becoming more of an
issue? Already people across Canada seem to be spending more and more time
on their phones...and nowhere near the same nuimber of people in Canada
have Jsva equipped phones compared to the US and Japan. What will happen
when this technology really takes flight here? The problems are already
Personally I can't wait for more Java equipped phones because it means
there will be a lot more software for cell phones. One of the
disadvantages of my Palm Pilot is that it eats batteries like candy. If
I could use the same (or similar) java software on my cell phone I could
retire the PDA.
Post by Terri Hodge
apparent with the regular old phones. When all of these plans come to
completion, cell phones could really take over our lives. Hopefully we
will all be smart enough to avoid that happening. The safety issue of cell
What I'm worried about is a shift by service providers. If we start to
lose regular phone lines for cellular service it might mean the kind of
price inflation we see with Gas - where the largest providers can enter
into collusion agreements and set the price through the roof.
Post by Terri Hodge
phones while driving is also a concern for many people. If talking while
driving is a problem, couldn't surfing the web while driving be even
worse? These are questions people will have to ask themselves when
It could be less of an issue if voice recognition technology was a bit
more advanced. As for the web issue, if the technology were advanced
enough we could have transparent displays on the windshield so we
wouldn't have to look down at a display.

I can't stand people who drive and talk on their phone, many tend to be
agressive but are also just that little bit too distracted to see
they're cutting someone off.


Dan St. Denis
2003-11-26 18:56:22 UTC
For all the bad flak that cell phone's get they really are a necessary
evil. I can't count the number of times my cell phone has come in handy
in getting touch with people i otherwise could not have gotten ahold of.
mike mak
2003-11-26 18:03:16 UTC
Post by Terri Hodge
Oct. 13, 2003. 10:39 AM
Toronto firm brews up Java apps for cellphones
Cell phones are not just cell phones anymore. They are high powered
devices with fancy screens and many different features. The cell phones of
yesterday are long gone. Today's phones allow users to download games,
instant message, take pictures...whatever happened to just talking? Now
phones are more and more like computers.
As great as all this technology seems, it leads back to the old question;
are we too dependent on our cell phones, and are they becoming more of an
issue? Already people across Canada seem to be spending more and more time
on their phones...and nowhere near the same nuimber of people in Canada
have Jsva equipped phones compared to the US and Japan. What will happen
when this technology really takes flight here? The problems are already
apparent with the regular old phones. When all of these plans come to
completion, cell phones could really take over our lives. Hopefully we
will all be smart enough to avoid that happening. The safety issue of cell
phones while driving is also a concern for many people. If talking while
driving is a problem, couldn't surfing the web while driving be even
worse? These are questions people will have to ask themselves when
considering purchasing these computer like phones.
There is no question that we have become more and more dependent on our
cell phones. Perosnally, I can't wait until the technology of Java
equipped phones arrives here in Canada. Being able to surf the net and
send emails through cell phones will make life that much more
convenient. However, I think that people should be responsible enough to
understand that this new technology is only there for our convenience
and not let it take over our lives.
Charles McColm
2003-11-26 18:20:01 UTC
Post by mike mak
I can't wait until the technology of Java
equipped phones arrives here in Canada. Being able to surf the net and
send emails through cell phones will make life that much more
I already do on my Sony Ericsson T310 and I've found that most of the
sites designed for WAP really suck! Content providers really don't seem
very concerned about updating pages designed for Cell phones. I run into
broken links all the time.


Emily Wasylycia
2003-11-26 18:03:20 UTC
Post by Terri Hodge
Oct. 13, 2003. 10:39 AM
Toronto firm brews up Java apps for cellphones
Cell phones are not just cell phones anymore. They are high powered
devices with fancy screens and many different features. The cell phones of
yesterday are long gone. Today's phones allow users to download games,
instant message, take pictures...whatever happened to just talking? Now
phones are more and more like computers.
As great as all this technology seems, it leads back to the old question;
are we too dependent on our cell phones, and are they becoming more of an
issue? Already people across Canada seem to be spending more and more time
on their phones...and nowhere near the same number of people in Canada
have Jsva equipped phones compared to the US and Japan. What will happen
when this technology really takes flight here? The problems are already
apparent with the regular old phones. When all of these plans come to
completion, cell phones could really take over our lives. Hopefully we
will all be smart enough to avoid that happening. The safety issue of cell
phones while driving is also a concern for many people. If talking while
driving is a problem, couldn't surfing the web while driving be even
worse? These are questions people will have to ask themselves when
considering purchasing these computer like phones.
In response to this article, it is a scary thought that one day we
may be completely dependent on technology and on cell phones. As it
becomes easier to use cell phones and they are developing new features
everyday, more and more people are using cell phones to interact with
family and friends and to organize their lives. This causes people to
completely rely on technology and without it seem lost and alone without
their digital friend.
As technology advances and cell phones become more popular we as a
society in Canada need to become aware of the dangers this may cause. If
we understand this issue poses a threat, then maybe the use of cell
phones while driving can be stopped and people can know that there is
life without a cell phone.
-Emily Wasylycia
2003-11-26 18:15:46 UTC
Post by Terri Hodge
Oct. 13, 2003. 10:39 AM
Toronto firm brews up Java apps for cellphones
Cell phones are not just cell phones anymore. They are high powered
devices with fancy screens and many different features. The cell phones of
yesterday are long gone. Today's phones allow users to download games,
instant message, take pictures...whatever happened to just talking? Now
phones are more and more like computers.
As great as all this technology seems, it leads back to the old question;
are we too dependent on our cell phones, and are they becoming more of an
issue? Already people across Canada seem to be spending more and more time
on their phones...and nowhere near the same nuimber of people in Canada
have Jsva equipped phones compared to the US and Japan. What will happen
when this technology really takes flight here? The problems are already
apparent with the regular old phones. When all of these plans come to
completion, cell phones could really take over our lives. Hopefully we
will all be smart enough to avoid that happening. The safety issue of cell
phones while driving is also a concern for many people. If talking while
driving is a problem, couldn't surfing the web while driving be even
worse? These are questions people will have to ask themselves when
considering purchasing these computer like phones.
The New cell phones that are coming out now are awsome, they alow us to
so many thigs in a small compact device. I disagree with the fact that
it seems many people live vicariouly through their cell phone because i
kow for a fact that with out a cell phone i am screwed. I just moved in
to a new house this semester and the lan line in the house was
disconected jsut as i got there. right after that happened my cell
phone broke and i was unable to make and recieve calls. all of my family
and friends were instantly cut off of me except through email, which
also seems to be down quite a bit as well. Now i have just purcased a
new phone, not cheap i might add, and i am happy that it is java enabled
so i can recive email , and text etc.
Vanja Mudrinic
2003-11-26 18:23:23 UTC
Post by Terri Hodge
Oct. 13, 2003. 10:39 AM
Toronto firm brews up Java apps for cellphones
Cell phones are not just cell phones anymore. They are high powered
devices with fancy screens and many different features. The cell phones of
yesterday are long gone. Today's phones allow users to download games,
instant message, take pictures...whatever happened to just talking? Now
phones are more and more like computers.
As great as all this technology seems, it leads back to the old question;
are we too dependent on our cell phones, and are they becoming more of an
issue? Already people across Canada seem to be spending more and more time
on their phones...and nowhere near the same nuimber of people in Canada
have Jsva equipped phones compared to the US and Japan. What will happen
when this technology really takes flight here? The problems are already
apparent with the regular old phones. When all of these plans come to
completion, cell phones could really take over our lives. Hopefully we
will all be smart enough to avoid that happening. The safety issue of cell
phones while driving is also a concern for many people. If talking while
driving is a problem, couldn't surfing the web while driving be even
worse? These are questions people will have to ask themselves when
considering purchasing these computer like phones.
It's crazy because many people do not realize that along with drinking
and driving, cell phone use is one of the biggest causers of accidents.
This isn't because we can't hold an object and drive at the same time as
many compnaies would have us believe, and that is why they create
garbage such as phone holders and talking devices that don't require you
to hold the phone. However, it is the distraction that's fatal. We
cannot focus on conversations and drive at the same time. There is no
need to modify them even further, like downloading stuff from the net is
going to distract us any less.
Brian Major
2003-11-26 18:36:38 UTC
Post by Terri Hodge
Oct. 13, 2003. 10:39 AM
Toronto firm brews up Java apps for cellphones
Cell phones are not just cell phones anymore. They are high powered
devices with fancy screens and many different features. The cell phones of
yesterday are long gone. Today's phones allow users to download games,
instant message, take pictures...whatever happened to just talking? Now
phones are more and more like computers.
As great as all this technology seems, it leads back to the old question;
are we too dependent on our cell phones, and are they becoming more of an
issue? Already people across Canada seem to be spending more and more time
on their phones...and nowhere near the same nuimber of people in Canada
have Jsva equipped phones compared to the US and Japan. What will happen
when this technology really takes flight here? The problems are already
apparent with the regular old phones. When all of these plans come to
completion, cell phones could really take over our lives. Hopefully we
will all be smart enough to avoid that happening. The safety issue of cell
phones while driving is also a concern for many people. If talking while
driving is a problem, couldn't surfing the web while driving be even
worse? These are questions people will have to ask themselves when
considering purchasing these computer like phones.
I agree that cell phones do pose a threat to safety when used in cars,
although i do believe that they are more of a help thn they are a harm.
Since the introduction of affordable cell phones, many equip themselves
with them for protection and a feeling of security. Whether it be
driving alone in the middle of the night, or walking down a dark allay,
cell phones provide a link to help at any hour of the day. Although cell
phones are a neusince(sp), they provide help whenever needed.