Censorship of internet....
(too old to reply)
Jessica Voll
2003-11-26 18:31:00 UTC
Censorship is Crap: Reviewed by Jess Voll, 20141510


This article pertains to a person¹s negative view about
censorship. The author argues that because the internet is permanent and
international, it has a greater potential to reach many people. If it
became censored, its ability to provide unlimited information all to
people would be seriously compromised. The author also believes that the
internet plays an important role in politics because it is ruled by
democracy, in which all people have the ability to post and vital
information, and censorship would erase that democracy. It is in the
opinion of the author that uncensored mailing lists and boards allow
people to speak out with fear of being heard and allow them the privacy
to access whatever information they choose. This democracy in the
material available leads to "a vocal and active global community which
transcends race and geography".

Furthermore, censorship employs a paternalist principle of
protecting "weak" members of society from possible "harm". Censorship
will not change the curious nature of mankind; deleting or editing this
information will not stop these same people from obtaining the same
information in books, videos, or film. It should be accepted that the
internet is "an anarchic, uncontrolled environment". Instead of
censoring, we should aim to strengthen the flow of information, because
suppressing it leads to the loss of vital information to help us
progress with a democratic environment. In the end, we can ultimately
choose what we do and do not want to see. We need to take individual
responsibility, instead of imposing it on everyone.
Brian Major
2003-11-26 18:55:57 UTC
Post by Jessica Voll
Censorship is Crap: Reviewed by Jess Voll, 20141510
This article pertains to a person¹s negative view about
censorship. The author argues that because the internet is permanent and
international, it has a greater potential to reach many people. If it
became censored, its ability to provide unlimited information all to
people would be seriously compromised. The author also believes that the
internet plays an important role in politics because it is ruled by
democracy, in which all people have the ability to post and vital
information, and censorship would erase that democracy. It is in the
opinion of the author that uncensored mailing lists and boards allow
people to speak out with fear of being heard and allow them the privacy
to access whatever information they choose. This democracy in the
material available leads to "a vocal and active global community which
transcends race and geography".
Furthermore, censorship employs a paternalist principle of
protecting "weak" members of society from possible "harm". Censorship
will not change the curious nature of mankind; deleting or editing this
information will not stop these same people from obtaining the same
information in books, videos, or film. It should be accepted that the
internet is "an anarchic, uncontrolled environment". Instead of
censoring, we should aim to strengthen the flow of information, because
suppressing it leads to the loss of vital information to help us
progress with a democratic environment. In the end, we can ultimately
choose what we do and do not want to see. We need to take individual
responsibility, instead of imposing it on everyone.
I totally agree with this summary. The internet needs to be a place were
information can be shared without fear or control. People should be able
to share a openion no matter their race, status or religion. If you dont
like what someone has to say, dont read it. By controlling the internet
with censorship, we lose the power of the internet, the ablility to
conect anyone from anywhere.
Stephanie Mashinter
2003-11-26 19:03:20 UTC
Post by Jessica Voll
Censorship is Crap: Reviewed by Jess Voll, 20141510
This article pertains to a person¹s negative view about
censorship. The author argues that because the internet is permanent and
international, it has a greater potential to reach many people. If it
became censored, its ability to provide unlimited information all to
people would be seriously compromised. The author also believes that the
internet plays an important role in politics because it is ruled by
democracy, in which all people have the ability to post and vital
information, and censorship would erase that democracy. It is in the
opinion of the author that uncensored mailing lists and boards allow
people to speak out with fear of being heard and allow them the privacy
to access whatever information they choose. This democracy in the
material available leads to "a vocal and active global community which
transcends race and geography".
Furthermore, censorship employs a paternalist principle of
protecting "weak" members of society from possible "harm". Censorship
will not change the curious nature of mankind; deleting or editing this
information will not stop these same people from obtaining the same
information in books, videos, or film. It should be accepted that the
internet is "an anarchic, uncontrolled environment". Instead of
censoring, we should aim to strengthen the flow of information, because
suppressing it leads to the loss of vital information to help us
progress with a democratic environment. In the end, we can ultimately
choose what we do and do not want to see. We need to take individual
responsibility, instead of imposing it on everyone.
Censorship is an fishy issue...Kind of like abortion - there doesn't
seem to be one right or wrong answer. It depends on every individual
person's opinion, however, I have a fews opinions my self about the
whole censorship issue. I think that censorship is important for our
world - no censorship would be like letting a 5 year old kid into an
"R" rated movive and thinking that was okay. Our world is driven by
evil and people doing bad things...why would bwe allow our young
citizens to view a world without censorship when they are not ready for
it? There are so many negative repercussions that could follow if there
was no censorship of the Internet. I definetly think that there would
be a lot more crime and hatred in our world, and it would force our kids
to grow up far too fast. It would be harmful them in the short and
long term, and I think that it is stupid to say that we should get rid
of censorship all in the good name of free speech.

Written by Stephanie Mashinter
