Emily Wasylycia
2003-11-26 17:50:31 UTC
Assignment 7: Social Issues
Emily Wasylycia
Article: Surfing not studying: Dealing with internet addiction on Campus
By: Dr. Kimberly Young
The article Surfing not studying: Dealing with internet addiction on
Campus by Dr. Kimberley Young describes the causes, problems and
solutions to students in university and college being addicted to the
internet. She describes what in university and college life makes
students use the internet excessively, why they enjoy it and become
obsessed with it, what major problems this addiction causes for their
school and social life and possible ways to fix the problem.
Dr. Young states that a student often finds security in the internet
because it may be difficult to make friends at a school with a large
population or to feel like you¹re fitting in, in a new place. Also,
students often have unlimited internet access and large chunks of free
time to spend on it. Students do not have to monitor what they do or say
online, and there is no longer any parental control in play.
This causes many problems for students because all of their time is
devoted to their internet addiction. Falling grades, decline in social
life, not making new friends and neglecting their old ones, not being
physically active or fit, skipping meals and getting little sleep are
some of the major problems this obsession causes.
However, Young does provide possible solutions to this problem such
as informing school counselors about this issue, creating groups to talk
about internet addiction and encouraging students to get involved
outside of school to meet new people and re-direct their free time.
Emily Wasylycia
Article: Surfing not studying: Dealing with internet addiction on Campus
By: Dr. Kimberly Young
The article Surfing not studying: Dealing with internet addiction on
Campus by Dr. Kimberley Young describes the causes, problems and
solutions to students in university and college being addicted to the
internet. She describes what in university and college life makes
students use the internet excessively, why they enjoy it and become
obsessed with it, what major problems this addiction causes for their
school and social life and possible ways to fix the problem.
Dr. Young states that a student often finds security in the internet
because it may be difficult to make friends at a school with a large
population or to feel like you¹re fitting in, in a new place. Also,
students often have unlimited internet access and large chunks of free
time to spend on it. Students do not have to monitor what they do or say
online, and there is no longer any parental control in play.
This causes many problems for students because all of their time is
devoted to their internet addiction. Falling grades, decline in social
life, not making new friends and neglecting their old ones, not being
physically active or fit, skipping meals and getting little sleep are
some of the major problems this obsession causes.
However, Young does provide possible solutions to this problem such
as informing school counselors about this issue, creating groups to talk
about internet addiction and encouraging students to get involved
outside of school to meet new people and re-direct their free time.